What is trigger point therapy?
A modern approach
Trigger Point Acupuncture is a more modern approach to acupuncture treatment for myofascial pain. When muscles are injured or overused they often form trigger points which can cause localized and referred pain.
Trigger point acupuncture uses acupuncture needles to release trigger points thereby relieving muscle tension and myofascial pain. This therapy is extremely effective and fast acting making it very popular amongst athletes and fitness enthusiasts.
Trigger point acupuncture is more sensational that traditional acupuncture. The practitioner is using the needle to find a release of the trigger point which the patient will experience as an involuntary twitch or jump of the muscle. Muscle tension and knots disappear in seconds and the patient will notice greater range of motion.
"This therapy is extremely effective and fast acting making it very popular amongst athletes and fitness enthusiasts."
What to expect after trigger point therapy
There is some soreness felt in the 1-3 days after treatment due to a release of lactic acid that may have been stored in the muscle fibers.
The results are typically profound and long lasting. The number of treatments needed varies from person to person depending on severity and how acute or chronic the pain is.