What is Kiiko style acupuncture?

Founded by Kiiko Matsumoto

Kiiko Matsumoto is the founder of this powerful style of acupuncture that combines classical Chinese medical theory with modern day pathophysiology. The hallmark difference between Kiiko style acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine is palpatory diagnosis.

By using palpation of the body both the practitioner and the patient have direct and immediate feedback as to the treatments effectiveness. This style of acupuncture yields incredible results to a wide range of issues and often heals many complaints at once as it is truly holistic in nature.

"The hallmark difference between Kiiko style acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine is palpatory diagnosis."

Identifying underlying patterns

Palpation of various and specific reflex areas of the abdomen, neck, and back that produce discomfort or pain clue in the practitioner to underlying patterns and physiological systems that are causing the patient’s symptoms.

By applying pressure to an acupuncture point and then rechecking the reflex area to see if the pain is diminished allows the practitioner to know for certain which acupuncture points will affect the patient and yield positive results.

Book your first session
For new customers I offer a longer session for your initial booking, to get to know you and advise an appropriate course of treatment.
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