What is cupping?

An ancient modality

Cupping is an ancient modality used across many cultures. It has varied benefits from relieving myofascial pain to enhancing the body’s immunity. Cups are placed on the muscles and a suction is created which effectively relaxes muscle tension as well as detoxifies the tissues.

When muscles are tight and knotted they do not get adequate blood flow. This allows toxins to build up. The suction of the cups leaves a light pink to dark purple mark on the skin. Darker color usually indicates a muscle that is injured or has been tense for a very long time.

Cups are placed on the muscles and a suction is created which effectively relaxes muscle tension as well as detoxifies the tissues.

What to expect after cupping

The cupping marks usually go away within 3 to 10 days. The area may feel a little sore initially but the patient can also expect to see results in terms of less tension and greater ROM within 24 hours of the treatment.

Less commonly, cups are used in early stage cold and flu and can shorten the duration or intensity of illness. This methodology is also very effective at resolving prolonged cough after an illness. Cups placed over the lung helps circulation and effectively allows the lungs to expel phlegm.

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