What is acupuncture?

An ancient healing modality

Acupuncture is an ancient healing modality that inserts sterile, single use filiform needles into acupuncture points on the body.

Acupuncture points are found on channels that carry energy, or Qi, throughout the body; similar to how the blood vessels of the cardiovascular system carry blood.

Placing needles just beneath the surface of the skin in specific points allows the energy or Qi to have a healthy flow and this in turn has a cascade of positive benefits for your health.

"Placing needles just beneath the surface of the skin in specific points allows the energy or Qi to have a healthy flow"

Proven to increase the circulation of blood and reduce inflammation

Acupuncture has been scientifically proven to increase the circulation of blood and reduce inflammation. It has many uses including balancing the central nervous system.

By allowing the body to switch to the parasympathetic nervous system, acupuncture enhances sleep, reduces anxiety, aids digestion and promotes fertility.

Acupuncture is excellent at balancing our endocrine systems as well causing regulation of the menstrual cycle, circadian rhythm, thyroid function and metabolism.

Book your first session
For new customers I offer a longer session for your initial booking, to get to know you and advise an appropriate course of treatment.
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